The winds were shaking Chuck all the way home     [Oct 4, 2023]

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Tumbleweeds crossing the highway.

Port Ordze, Sherwood Park AB (2 stars)

Time to head back to Edmonton today. We said our good-byes and headed out on the road. Somewhere west of Saskatoon the wind came up quite forcibly, giving us a strong head wind for most of the drive and a side wind at best. But, we made it home and settled in for the night.

Lez and I are thinking about a trip to Hawaii this winter to see Karin and Marlin. That's fine by Lee as long as he doesn't have to wear one of those loud, flashy Hawaiian shirts.

Tumbleweeds - WOW, we have not seen those for a very long time, not since our Texas trip I think. Prairie winds are truly a force to be respectful of. The truck can feel the force and thankfully we were not pulling the Schooner. Should that floppy hat that shades the sun from your eyes happen to actually be on your head - well, be sure to have chin straps tight.

We had a super time staying with Piet and Marg. They had a houseful with us and Piet's sister and hubby staying there too. We had a wonderful time catching up on all of our adventures.

We are considering a trip to Hawaii to visit them. Lee has not been to Hawaii so I think it's time - besides - he needs one of those Hawaiian shirts BWHAHAHAHA.