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Straightening out the bent metal.

Port Ordze, Sherwood Park AB (2 stars)

Lee notes that we don't have as much available space in Chuck and the Schooner as people might think.

One of the annoying big items is the Schooner's spare tire. Ever since the 'drive through the ditch' adventure in Meziadin Junction BC, we have been carrying the spare in the truck box. That is along with the second spare we borrowed from the Holdens. This is all because the spare is actually mounted under the back of the Schooner and the frame was bent out of shape at Meziadin.

Today was the day to take that badly bent frame to a machine shop and see if they can straighten it out.

With the boxes of memorabilia culled, we loaded them into the truck. I spent some time organizing items in the Schooner, ready for travel.