Lazing around Port Ordze     [Sep 10, 2023]

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Picking apples on the acreage.

Port Ordze, Sherwood Park AB (2 stars)

We stayed home today to enjoy the weather and relax.

In the afternoon, we denuded one of the apple trees for Carolyn so she can make apple pies. Lee also took some time to become familiar with the work needed to finish the rebar in Zeissler's new garage.

The apple picking was fun! We filled two containers, and I think I will pick more tomorrow (if these gorgeous clear blue skies continue) and make my 5 pie shell dough recipe and freeze a couple of pies for baking later and give the kids a couple of pies. it will depend on how many apples get cored and peeled!

We ended our day sitting by our propane firebowl, listening to an owl hoot hoot hooting in the forest south of our hosts yard.