Catching up around the fire pit     [Sep 8, 2023]

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Port Ordze, Sherwood Park AB (2 stars)

It was high time to wash the Yukon grime from inside and outside of Chuck. Lez tackled the interior while Lee took everything out of Chuck's box. Then, off to the car wash.

Chuck looks like he's brand new with that bath and getting a new set of tires yesterday. He's ready for more adventures.

We spent a couple of hours around the fire pit with the Zeisslers catching up on their lives.

Chuck is ready to take us on to more adventures, looking spiffy and shiny and safe with new tires. Muscles are a little sore this evening, LOL, but it's been a long time since I climbed in and out of the truck at least 50 times. Ok, it felt like that many or more.

An evening around the Zeissler's fire pit was a perfect way to spend the evening. We caught up on each others' adventures and plans. They have been longstanding friends - through many adventures together as we spent many summers heading to the Okanagan wineries, testing the wineries. Lee and I started the Okanagan touring in 1992 over a couple of days after spending a vacation in California wine country while visiting Lee's sister and hubby. That eventually became a week with the Zeisslers to be able to taste test all the wineries that had sprung up by 2019 with VQA VAQ XXVII. VQA - you ask. Vinter's Quality Alliance Vino Quaffing Adventure. Yes we did at least 27 annual recorded wine runs.