New Years Day hockey fun     [Jan 1, 2025]

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From rock and roll to a concert.

No time to sleep in this morning. We got home from the Streetheart concert early this morning, caught some sleep, had breakfast and made our way downtown for the Oil Kings game.

A great game, even though we lost. There was a fireworks display inside the arena after the game. Very nice and very loud.

After that, we tried something different for buying some groceries. We stayed inside and went into the attached City Market, which is part of the Loblaws grocery group. We got what we needed and never stepped a foot outside.

We were having our last coffee of the evening when we heard loud bubbling coming from the main bathroom. It was the same scenario as last July, someone was likely pouring laundry detergent into their toilet and the bubbles expanded, backing up into our toilet.

Yes retired, but certainly not just sitting around. Hockey is a very close second to a favourite social outing. I say social because we strike up conversations with whomever we sit around with. The lady I sit beside and I are constantly chatting and noting our displeasure when the referee makes bad calls. LOL. But, I don't know her name! Nor would I be able to referee a game.

Having the City Market right there too is convenient for picking up a few groceries before heading home. Inside walkways keep us warm.

Speaking of when "nature calls" , we are fotunate in our apartment to have what I refer to as a "two holer". Now if you have ever spent time at the beach in the summer and use the outdoor "loo" you'd know what I mean.