Merry Christmas in and around Edmonton     [Dec 25, 2024]

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A beautiful day at Clifford E. Lee Nature Reserve.

Lez and I drove out to Clifford E. Lee Nature Reserve south-west of Edmonton this afternoon. Because of where we now live, this is less than 15 minutes drive for us.

The drive and the walk was best described as "perfect". Beautiful blue Alberta skies, about five degrees above freezing and no wind. It felt way warmer than that.

There were quite a few people walking the paths today. The chickadees were close by looking for handouts and the sun was producing long shadows.

If you are a prairie person like we are, this was heaven on earth today. Absolutely wonderful.

We finished the day with a quiet supper by candlelight.

It has been quite awhile since we last wandered the snow covered path and boardwalk at Clifford E. Lee Nature Reserve just South-West of Edmonton. The endless Alberta Blue skies and lack of wind beckoned and we quickly hopped into Tiggy and drove out to the best accessible nature treasure for miles around . (LOL I'm olde).

We managed to keep our hands to ourselves, as the signage indicates we should not be feeding the birds. They lose their fear of humans, and begin to rely on us for their food. However, us humans are not there all the time.

We should not be messing with Mother Nature if we wish to visit and photograph the forest that changes with the seasons and is home to several species of wild animals and birds. The camera was smokin'!