George, the Siberian Forest cat     [Jul 12, 2024]

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Chuck's last bath.

We spent the morning giving Chuck his last bath at the Hughes Car Wash. It felt strange to Lee because of the 78,000 kilometers of enjoyment the truck had given him over the four years. It's like getting a puppy ready for adoption.

Before going home we spent a few minutes with Alec and George, their Siberian Forest cat. He seems to like the shelf Alec put up for him, so George can keep an eye out on Alec as he works in his new home office.

Chuck is all sparkly clean, inside and out and ready for new owners. It has served us very well, as we traversed Canada from top to bottom border, and as far east as the Ontario border, and, well west has this big body of water that makes a destination location.

As the name of the breed suggests, George is a big cat that can look out for himself. He reminds me of our Rocky.

If I need a kitty fix, I can visit Alec.