No, we did NOT consume two bottles of wine!     [Jun 12, 2024]

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Our favourite, spatzle and schnitzel.

Lee thinks that people are sometimes surprised at our daily routine. Our kids have certainly learned to be aware.

We wake around 10:00 am and it is almost noon by the time we finish breakfast and have our final coffee on the balcony.

Our dinner time is typically southern European, we make dinner and leisurely consume it from around 7 pm until 10 pm.

That's just the way we are.

Our morning coffee was almost lunch. We enjoyed a leisurely view of the forest and comings and goings of the traffic - vehicles and pedestrians. It was a cool morning, so we did have our jackets on. It will warm up as summer truly kicks in.

Lee looked up recipe for our dinner, and we did the dance taking turns cooking up or cutting up the preparation of delicious and hearty spatzle and schnitzel dinner. Adding a bottle of wine, we are now taking it slow and considering a movie.