Edmonton is blooming forth     [May 27, 2024]

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It feels like the first full settled day.

We are both home today, with no commitments. It feels to Lee like the first full day in our new home, the apartment in Edgemont.

We went for a walk on the pathway across the street which is the community of Edgemont (our building is actually in Timberidge). A nice day to scope out the forest at the edge of the ravine that separates Edgemont homes from 199 Street. Trees are blooming and the poplars are shedding their fluff.

We had a second coffee while sitting on our balcony, watching the cumulus clouds drift by in the distance. Very relaxing.

We are at home. This feels comfortable, we have all our belongings with us, including all the sewing and quilting paraphenalia I need. The man is busy uploading photos from our wonderful weather walk on the trail across the street, in the woods and through the native Alberta prairie. Tthe pantry is full, fresh fruit for nibbling and a tea kettle at the ready for making a cuppa. (could be coffee too LOL).

The clouds are threatening a thunder boomer - we haven't experienced that for quite some time. No atorm, no lightning show.