Firepit at Port Ordze     [May 11, 2024]

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It's not foggy, it's smoky.

We awoke to the smell of forest fire smoke and a thick haze outside. Judging by the northerly wind direction, it is probably from the forest fires around Grande Prairie and Fort McMurray.

We spent the late afternoon and evening with our dear friends Carolyn and Brittany. As always, we shared stories for the entire time. It was mostly around their firepit which was enjoyable even though the air was smoky from the forest fires.

A yellow haze covers our world this morning, along with a faint smoky smell. The apartment building is fine. We just need to close our window.

We had a wonderful visit with very long standing friends Carolyn and Brittany. We circled their great firepit in our lawnchairs, wine-filled glasses at hand to accompany a BBQ kabobs dinner. Catching up on our respective adventures since we last met took us well into the evening, which included super views of a very orange sunset.