Time to hang some quilts.     [May 2, 2024]

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There go the blue jeans.

Well, time to check again. We have uncovered almost everything except a few unrelated items - the recipe book, an extension cord and a charger for our camera batteries. Who knows.

Lez was busy today cutting up my old blue jeans to use in a blue jean quilt. If those old jeans could talk.

As I open and go through the various fabric totes, there is a good chance some of the missing items will be found, as we may have stuffed an item into a small space in a bulging tote or box.

I find the box with our (mostly Lee's) old blue jeans and then search for the shears for cutting squares of non worn through sections of the jeans. A frayed edge squares blue jean quilt will soon be under the needle of the sewing machine.