Fresh water follies     [Apr 17, 2023]

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The dreaded FWTT.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

Lee noted there was enough dry weather today to do the dreaded 'fresh water tank test'. His conclusion from the last couple of summers is that there is a kink in either the fresh water intake hose or in the bleeder hose that allows displaced air to leave the tank.

So, today he started loading fresh water. The tank got to one third full and the water started blowing back around the intake hose. So, he slowed the tap right down to a trickle and continued filling. After 30 minutes or so, the tank was full. Conclusion - the tank is usable as long as we have filling patience. And without having to trace two hoses through the underbelly of the Schooner.

We will need that tank when we start dry camping up north.

Today was a sniffly blur. That cold has gotten a hold of me, and the term "out of sorts" truly applies. I spent the day sleeping more than anything else. Kleenex is declaring a dividend courtesy of my runny nose. I played a lot of Solitaire today - totally mindless.

The wind today has the Schooner truly rocking - feels like we are sailing as the unit rocks.

My Man prepared dinner and we enjoyed Dutch croquettes and left over salads from yesterday's dinner.

Our evening is ending with thunder showers! A rare event in Parksville.