Now it's just a best of three     [Apr 4, 2023]

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Hey, got a scrap of this.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

Lee is staring at an open space now that the old step is gone. He thinks we should fill it in with some skirting to match the rest of the side of the Schooner. So, where to get a piece. Lee asks Chris, our handy repair guy who owns Back Country RV Repair. He recommends a place in Lantzville that "usually has some old stuff laying out back". Sure enough, Lee goes over and the parts guy leads him around the building, through the mud, past the old RV stoves, just past the old RV doors. There is pile of various shapes and colours of RV aluminum siding. And what do we find under the dirt and mud but a piece that Lee can cut to size. Success.

Later on, we sit around the radio (what an old-fashioned term that is) and listen to the Generals playing in Saanich. The Generals outshoot the Predators by a huge margin but lose 2-1. Back to Parksville tomorrow for what will now be a best-of-three series.

It took the two of us to lift the old step into the truck and again to put it in the dumpster. Extra weight the Schooner doesn't need to carry along.

We spent afternoon time in the sunshine out back in the lawn chairs and watched life on the estuary. Hobbes joined us, laying on the warm stones - ignoring his own lawn chair.