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Lee has slided out or is that slidden out.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

Lee got up early (for us) and finished scanning the last slides he was going to do this winter. Well, the objective for the winter was a little heavier back in October but life got in the way. The remainder will have to wait for next winter.

The sewing machine is humming again: Back to curtains! A long single window one. That will leave the curtains to replace the sliders of the closet. They are heavy with mirrors and there really isn't anything to hold back in the closet. We have another mirror in the bedroom to check out ourselves before we leave the room. We've never opened those sliders to have something fall out, or come off the shelf. After two years, we feel we can lighten the load at that end of the RV. I don't need any fancy header - so these should go quickly.