What's that excavator doing there     [Jan 31, 2022]

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Excavator in our backyard.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

Lee spots an excavator travelling along the far side of our channel. We find out later from the crew that rehabilitation of the estuary berms and channels will be taking place for this week. They are only allowed to work for one week per year and this job will take ten years to complete. All the berms will be flattened out and the whole estuary will return to its former low level like we see in the distance closer to Shelly Park.

Lez notes: The estuary restoration to the view we have had for the past two years has begun. Out my back window a bright orange excavator arrived and has started moving piles of dirt from the estuary and lowering the berms. The excess dirt is being used to fill the water close to shore. The resulting effect will be lower, longer areas of land that will flood with the incoming tide water and bring more "fresh" sea water into the estuary. It will, hopefully, also offer a better habitat for the area.