Long and tiring     [Sep 21, 2021]

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The day after the day before.

Port Ordze, Sherwood Park, AB (2 stars)

Still short of sleep, but off to work to start tidying up the massive amount of material that has to be returned to Elections Canada. Luckily, the 50,000 pencils can be discarded locally.

On the way home, a loaded Chuck stopped at the Edmonton Recycle location on Stony Plain Road. Lee almost filled a container with voting screens, ballot boxes and other cardboard. As he unloaded, Lee wondered what other people may be thinking if they used the recycle container after him. Hey look, a discarded election!

Lez slept like a LOG! Oh boy, can feel a few extra muscles today, as yesterday was a busy day wearing a new path in the carpets between reception and various offices.

Today, my phone rang twice. Both requests for updates to their information on the voter's list. There will be a stack of those done tomorrow once all the paperwork has been separated and divided up for processing from all the polling places in our riding. Next three days will be "data entry". Lots to do, and then empty out the desk drawer of anything personal.

Meanwhile, weather has been not too cold, and we have often been able to leave Hobbes outside with his food and water and the shelter of the porch tent attachment. He too has been sleeping like a log.

We left work earlier than usual today; necessary tasks done. Came home and had a good solid snooze before dinner. Will still be in bed "early" as we recoup. I am thinking this will be my last election worked. LOL - I was reminded by a voter/friend who came in early to vote and she commented "Last time you said you would never do this again!". Ahhh it's like childbirth - you soon forget the pain.