The health roller coaster     [Aug 30, 2021]

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Come on Hobbes, you can do it.

Port Ordze, Sherwood Park, AB (2 stars)

The highs and lows of living with a pet. Hobbes comes home from the hospital better than when we took him in, then he takes a step back, then a little better, and on it goes.

I want my little buddy to make it through this.

Lez notes: Another night of no poops, and not eating. This is not looking good. We decide, as he has been sitting with his nose at the door, perhaps if he is outside, he will be happier. As we had to go out, we left his food and water dish outside in our tented porch. When we got home several hours later, no food had been touched, and not much of a lower lever of water. He uses the potty, but there is nothing left behind. I am worried he is not really recovering. It is quite the stressful time feeding him the syringe of meds, but we are going to give him the lot, including tonight.