Hobbes remembers the place     [Aug 8, 2021]

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It's like riding a bike.

Port Ordze, Sherwood Park, AB (2 stars)

We went over to Chris and Aaron's for family dinner. Before eating, Lee got a chance to drive Pwagen. What a nice feeling, and so familiar. If you've driven a vehicle for almost 50 years, it just seems so comfortable and familiar.

We then had the first face-to-face family dinner in almost two months. Enjoyable and entertaining as usual.

Lez grins: The smile was a mile wide: Yes, as Lee returned from his little jaunt in Pwagen, the grin was big. And some of that is pride and the comfort and joy of knowing the car is in good hands. I think I may have to take a spin next weekend before we move on to our next leg of our journey.

What a great dinner with the usual banter, laughter and catching up with everyone's world. We do let loose with thoughts and events knowing that what is shared at that table stays with the table. With three story-teller men-folk, the laughter is loud.