Chuck's first road trip     [Aug 3, 2020]

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Chuck's first road trip.

Port Ordze, Sherwood Park AB (2 stars)

Not long after breakfast, Hobbes caught his 14th (known) mouse. At noon, we left for a road trip to meet up with Lori and Vernon Glebe. The rainy weather caused to abandon their patio in favour of Boston Pizza in Westlock. Great conversation and laughs as we talked about many things. The trip there and back really gave us our first taste of sitting in Chuck for a longer period of time. Feels good. The day turned rainy once more as we got home, so we spent the rest of the day doing paperwork, poking online and making banana muffins.

Lez quips: Rain It POURED!

But all is well, as Lee's banana muffins will go very well with the coffee he is now making us. :)