Our new web site software is operational now!
It's been a five month journey to upgrade our zwaal.ca web building software to using a full database, but it is more or less complete. We have the web pages we want to show you for now and will continue to add new pages regularly.
The sky is the limit now. That means we have about 10,000 photos to share with you over the coming months.
And why did it take five months to build the new website you ask? It's because Lee is retired now and does not have enough free time to work on it. That's his excuse and he's staying with it.
Our site has all of our diary days from 2024 and 2025, plus our Roads Less Gravelled pages.
In the next couple of days we will show:
- Our earliest trip to Europe (1972)
- Four of Dad Worel's canoeing trips to Northern Saskatchewan